

We represent a range of fiction and non-fiction. Take a moment to peruse our authors and in order to ascertain which agent your work is best suited to, you can check out our profiles here. We ask that you pick and submit to one agent only.

For Fiction

Send a short covering email, and attach a one-page synopsis as well as the full manuscript.
Please name your chosen agent in your cover email and send to: and not to our individual email addresses.

For Non-Fiction

Send a covering email outlining your book, why it has a place on the bookshelf and why you are qualified to write it, along with a proposal and a sample chapter or the whole work, if it is completed. We want to see everything in one hit, so please include the sample material along with the query as an attachment.

Please name your chosen agent in your cover email and send to: and not to our individual email addresses.


Please note that we do not represent TV/ film scripts or poetry.

A note about rejections:

We read everything we receive, but for the majority of those we cannot represent we simply don’t have the time to give feedback. We receive a huge number of submissions every week. If you don’t hear from us within 8 weeks, then unfortunately we won’t be taking your submission further.

This is a very subjective business, so it is worth persevering with other agents, but if you find you are being rejected repeatedly by agents and publishers then it may be worth your while seeking advice from a literary consultancy who read and critique for a fee. Please see our resources page for more information.