Bridge Street Press, an imprint of Little, Brown, has acquired Kathleen Stock’s Do Not Go Gentle: The Case Against Assisted Death. Sameer Rahim acquired UK and Commonwealth rights from Caroline Hardman. Do Not Go Gentle is due to be published in March 2026.

The push to legalise assisted death has been gathering momentum across the developed world. It is already practised in several European nations as well as in Canada and ten US states, and legislation is currently passing through UK parliament. From a wholly secular perspective, Kathleen will drill down into the most popular arguments offered in favour of such practices and suggest that they do not work, even on their own terms.

Kathleen Stock says: “I am delighted to get this opportunity to make a passionate, philosophically-informed case against assisted death laws and services, hurtling towards those of us living in liberal societies with rapid speed. I hope everyone will be able to use my book to engage with this massively important issue, no matter what side of the argument they ultimately occupy.”

Sameer Rahim added: “Wherever you stand on the question of assisted dying, many are alarmed at the speed at which the legislation is passing through parliament and the lack of proper scrutiny. Kathleen Stock’s Do Not Go Gentle will be a vital contribution to the debate. Anyone who cares about human life – no matter which side you’re on – will have to engage with her arguments.”